Endangered Beauty Exhibit at Glenview Library
November 14-Janyary 14, 2020

Gallery walk and book signing December 3, 6:30pm
The book, “Endangered Beauty,” is now available! visit to obtain one online.
“Endangered Beauty,” will serve as a companion book to the exhibit by the same name that was shown at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Chicago, Ryerson Conservation Area in Riverwoods, the McHenry County Conservation Area and next at The Glenview Library from November 14th-January 14th 2020. The book includes many more photos than it was possible to show at the exhibit. Freeman, an award-winning photographer, spent many years working on the project to document the rarest of the rare in Illinois.
Freeman is founder of Team Green Environmental Network, a 501c3 organization dedicated to environmental education. For more information, call 847-404-8508 or visit
Aberdeen Drive, Glenview IL (call or email for address)
Now Available! The new 2020 Calendar is available at the
Team Green website,