A lot of people ask me about my gear. Here is a brief list of my most used equipment.
Nikon D810 camera
Nikon lenses:
105mm macro
200mm macro
300mm f4
I rarely use a tripod as I prefer to hand-hold my camera. I feel I can get just the composition I want, more easily, when I hand-hold. Yes, it takes some practice and yes, sometimes I have to up my ISO to make sure I have a fast enough shutter speed, and yes, sometimes I have to walk away from a shot because it is just too dark to hand hold. But on the other hand, I have less to carry, I am happier walking around (with less to carry) and I can get closer to wildlife with a smaller profile.
I use Photoshop to process my raw files, however other than cropping, getting rid of dust spots, a touch of dodging and burning, adjusting slightly for contrast and color cast, all images are as shot.
I like to use a fanny pack as that keeps my hands free and I don't have to set a camera bag down on the ground.